Work type: Trophy Design
Client: KKBOX
Graphic Design: BIG Lin
Photography: April Chang

KKBOX Rising Star is an award created by KKBOX to recognize the rising talents in music. A panel formed by industry experts selects ten rising talents as award recipients.
Design of the trophy for this special award is a play of letter K that is deconstructed into geometric and linear elements. On the trophy, transparent acrylic and neon green metal plate are connected with a delicate black strip. From various angles, the trophy dazzles the eyes with changing of colors and shapes.

The trophy package extends from the concept of mixed materials adapted by the trophy design in combining papers with stone-like and fabric-like textures and rubber. The imagery of “new” is interpreted with use of different elements.

KKBOX 邀請華語音樂圈長期關注新聲音的業界人士組成評審團,評選出十組音樂人,冠以「潮流新聲」之名介紹給大眾。獎座設計以 ”K” 的形體為出發,拆解重組成幾何塊體與線條。透明的壓克力拼接螢光綠色金屬片,並在粘接處網印黑色線條,使其在不同角度透過壓克力的折射下,呈現奇幻的顏色與形體變化。包裝則沿用獎座的異材質拼接特性,選用仿石與仿布的相異紙材與橡膠來作搭配,藉由不同元素的碰撞來創造「新」的定義。