Project year: 2022
Work type: Set Design, Installation
Client: ART HAUS

“I feel a thousand capacities spring up in me.
I am arch, gay, languid, melancholy by turns.
I am rooted, but I flow.”
─ Virginia Woolf

The window display for ART HAUS 2022 takes the idea concept of water as the theme, taking inspiration from its shapeless nature that can be shaped into endless forms at the same time.

The installation makes references to a crocheted net, replacing woven yarns with transparent tubes to weave into a gigantic net that is suspended mid-air in the display window. In the middle of the art piece, there is a water tank with pink liquid inside that flows through these tubes when pumped by a motor. The color changes as the liquid moves through, forming a dynamic and artistic scenery along the way.

ART HAUS SS22 櫥窗設計以「水」為主題,以其無形而有萬形的特性作為本次櫥窗靈感來源。裝置設計參考鉤針編織的形狀,以透明水管代替原本的毛線材質,編織成巨型的網狀裝置懸掛於櫥窗內。裝置中間擺放了一個裝有粉紅色液體的水箱,粉紅色液體在沉水馬達的加壓下,快速流竄於編織的透明水管內,在流動之間產生顏色的細膩變化。