Project year: 2023 Work type: Set Design, Installation Client: ART HAUS
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” ─ C.S. Lewis
The ART HAUS 2023 Autumn/Winter window design concept is inspired by the works of American artist Robert Therrien, featuring the stacking of everyday cups and plates as its theme. Presented in a large-scale sculpture approaching two meters in height and width, the appearance of the cups and plates mimics the texture of handmade ceramics, creating a serene ambiance reminiscent of classical still-life paintings. Viewers can rediscover and experience familiar objects from different perspectives.
ART HAUS 2023 秋冬櫥窗概念受藝術家 Robert Therrien 作品啟發,以日常生活中隨處可見的杯盤堆疊作為主題,並以高度與寬度接近兩公尺的巨型尺寸呈現。杯盤的外觀模仿陶土質地,營造出古典靜物畫中的靜謐氛圍。觀者可以透過不同的視角,重新觀察、感受平時熟悉的物品。